Friday, May 2, 2008

Chapter 3

This section starts at Birkenau and the first “selections” take place. Elie and his father stay together, but get separated from his sister and mother. They meet a prisoner, who tells them to lie about their age. Another prisoner asks them why they let the Nazis bring them to Auschwitz. He tells them that it is to be killed and burned. Dr. Mengele determines who to select or to be killed immediately. Elie takes the advice and lies about his age, saying he is eighteen. He also says that he is a farmer, and is with his father. They are made to go to the left of Dr. Mengele. Nobody knows whether the "left" is the prison or where they are cremated.

The prisoners in Birkenau are scared when they see a pit where babies are being burned, and one for adults. Elie finds this unbelieveable, and tells his father that “humanity would never tolerate” such a massacre. The prisoners are crying and somebody recites the Jewish prayer for the dead, the "Kaddish". When Elie and his father are close to the edge of the pit, they are directed to barracks. In the barracks, the Jews are stripped, shaved, disinfected, showered, and made to wear uniforms. They are told that they have two options, either to work for the Nazis or to be cremated. When Elie's father asks for the bathroom, he is beaten by the "Kapo", or head prisoner, beats him.

Shortly, they make a march from Birkenau to Auschwitz. There, they have prison numbers tattooed on their arms. Elie and his father meet a relative from Antwerp, named Stein. Elie lies and tells him that he has heard about Stein’s family, and that they are alive. However, he hears the truth when a transport from Antwerp shows up. Finally, they are escorted on a four hour walk from Auschwitz to Buna, the work camp in which they will be working for months.

In this section, Eliezer begins losing even more faith in God. In Auschwitz when he first sees the furnace pits, where the Nazis are burning babies, he begins to doubt God. He says “Why should I bless His name?” “What had I to thank Him for?” However, Eliezer’s loss of faith contrasts with the faith of prisoners such as Abika Drumer.


ekidwell92 said...

I like how in your fourth paragraph you sum up his feelings and emotions as he is going through these horrid events. You even go as deep as to say how his faith is deteriorating by seeing these things. Great detail!


Lil Gangsta Z said...

very well done. this post was very detailed and not only summarized the events that were taking place, but they alsodescribed how elie was feeling through out it all. excellent post!!!

Nick said...

Good job summarizing the section. Good explaining how Eliezer began to lose his faith in God. Maybe add a picture or something but good job.

chuffman said...

This summary does a good job of including information from the entire chapter. You also did a good job of incorporating quotations. You also did a good job of adding your opinion into the summary